Have a photography contest with the members of your family! My family just got back from a great vacation in San Francisco. Each day of the vacation, we took tons of pictures. At the end of the day, we had to each pick our 5 favorite photos. We then uploaded all 25 photos to Facebook and had people vote on them. It took a few days to catch on, but then we had people coming back each day to see what cool, new things we took pictures of. After we got back, we took the top 5 photos from each day (our friends' choices), and posted them all together as the Championship photos. We then asked everyone to vote on their top 5. As I type this, we are in a 3 way tie! I wonder who the winner of the family photography contest will be?!
If you don't have a Facebook account, you can upload them to Flicker, or Photobucket. And then email all of your friends and family and have them go view and vote on the pictures. This was a fun thing to do as a family. Not only did we have some healthy competition going on, but we now have some really amazing photos for our family vacation book. I'll start working on that soon.
Just a word of caution - don't get so caught up in getting the perfect photo of some"thing", that you forget to take pictures of the people in your family enjoying the vacation.
A few pointers for your vacation book...
1. Using a Vacation Dailies pack of journaling pages from Cherish Bound is the perfect, most easy way to help record your vacation memories. It will take you from the planning, through your vacation, and to the trip home.
2. Make sure to ask everyone to contribute to the book of memories - maybe ask what their top 5 favorite things were. Then, using one page of the book - list all of those. I did this on the last vacation book I made, and I added a picture of each person's TOP FAVORITE THING about the vacation.
3. Get your book done ASAP - don't put it off. Start and finish it the week after your vacation. If you don't, you'll start to forget all of the fun you had.
4. Instead of buying souveniers, save your money, and use it to make a beautiful hardbound vacation book - your kids will love it forever!
Have a great summer vacation - and, let me know if you do the photo contest. I'd love to hear how yours went.